Friday, February 22, 2008


ok, this blog I'm taking over. For many years now one of my main reasons for wanting to go to Europe was to see the works of  Antoni Gaudi. Well the first thing we see when getting off the train was one of architectural wonders (la Pedrera).
We then found ourselves looking around this massive bustling city of wonder, wondering which way to go, to find more Gaudi. Well it took all of a few minutes to see a bus stop where you catch a self paced kind of tour bus ( 3 different runs that you can get off and on at your own discretion/pace) of Barcelona.
The first stop - the living architectural wonder Gaudi  Temple of Sigrada Famalia. This is the most amazing thing i have ever seen and experienced, and believe me it is a experience that you feel. 

This temple has been in progress since the late 1800s when this visionarys ideas all came from nature inspired, so the shapes in his works are so sureal. People just stand around with their mouths open in awe.  Its like another planet.  We stood in a line for at least an hour to go to the top and it was worth every moment. The kids even loved this one, for they were starting to get a little 'castled' out.
Its like your mind is being over circuited and your heart is pounding in awe at the same time.
Borys and I and the children were gobsmacked.
We also went onto to see one of his early century apartment La Pedrera  that was once again something out of enlightened science fiction from another world.
After being sad to know our hours in the day of Barcelona were running out and there was still so much more Gaudi to see, but one day for Addi and Natalia in Barcelona was enough, so we just made a pact that we wiil come back and spend a week in this great City (and maybe catch a futbol match) .
We also went to the 4 gats cafe where Picasso use to hang out at, so that was rather cool.
I loved every second of Spain and see why Gaudi' temple still continues on with  his vision, for the people of the country have passion and pride to carry the torch . It probably wont be done till Natalia and Addis kids are grown. We talked while travelling in the car to maybe continue this journey with there kids, and they would remember it when they were 8&9. This made me cry just talking about it as we drove out of Spain .
So the plan is in 4 years when I turn 50 we will return to Spain and do a complete tour of this magnificent country.  Who's coming?? Open invitation, Seville, Ronda, Barcelona .........sigh.


Lisa d said...

Sandy, i would go to spain in a second again, i almost cried seeing you at the Cathedral, you have the same pictures i took, i just could not get enough of spain!!!

I have to go again

looks like you are having such fun.

angela said...

Wow I am speachless. The pictures are amazing. Miles is very inspired.
We look forward to the next part of your adventures.

Lota luv.


Sandy said...

Glad to see your on Lisa. I know thats how i felt I couldnt get enough of Spain, but France is helping heal the pain of leaving.

Love to you and Timmy Tyrone

Sandy said...

Hey Ang and Miles, yes Gaudi does leave one speehless, there is no doubt, Im so glad your along for the ride, it feels nice to share though the blog.

Off to see the home of Van Gogh today. Love Sandy and Borys