Sunday, February 17, 2008

day 8

a good day to leave Albufeira -heavy winds and rain - for Seville!
In Sandy' words 'At at this point definitely the most beautiful city I have seen'. Georgeous as if somone had archites=cturally planned eveything over the centuries. Went to the Seville cathedral, it made Sandy cry - the largest gothic church in the world/ 3rd in Europe. Every inch of the church had some marvel to behold - wooden carved housing for the organ, silver and gold alter, walls adornedwith paintings from artists over many centuries. The churchs origins date from the 1100's until it was "Christianized" 150 yrs later.
On to Ronda tommorrow, overnighting in Cartijema - an amazing centuries old village, the hostel dates back 100's of years and its doorstep originates from a piece of Roman column, and last but not least our hosts at the hostel 'El Refugio' - Botz and Peter adding charm, laughs and insights to our journey


alandiane said...

hi everyone
we are enjoying your travel adventures and the pictures that go with them it looks like you are having a great time we are keeping up to date with them and looking forward to the next days of your trip. don't worry about your truck we are looking after things while you are gone. ha ha al and diane

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Loving following you around.

Have a shot of Spanish port for me!

Love, Peter

Baba said...

You sure are having a good time! Natalia, we love that black cat, and Addi, that sandwich you're eating must be good judging from the way the dog is looking at you!
Love, Baba & Stryjko

Sandy said...

hey al, no worries here. glad your coming along for the ride in europe!
BORYS, and family

Sandy said...

hey al, no worries here. glad your coming along for the ride in europe!
BORYS, and family

Sandy said...

hey, pater, so nice to here from you, glad your following us around its so nice to have friends come along for the ride.

were in stiges spain after being in grenada and will be uploading blog shortly.., going to Barcelona tomorrow cant wait to see Gudi, a dream since a young age for me.

Love ......sandy, Borys and kids